This hi-res battle map is one of eleven originally created for the D&D adventure Reavers of Harkenwold. Designed by Richard Baker, this fantasy RPG scenario is a two part adventure set in the Nentir Vale that pits your heroes against the cruel mercenaries of The Iron Circle.
In one simple download you get both a gridded and un-gridded version of this massive map. Sized at 6450 x 9150 pixels, this true mini-scale battle map is perfect for home printing or screen display and works great with your favorite virtual tabletop software. Purchase it now to help run the adventure or use it on it's own and spice up your home brew game.
Bonus: Need the whole collection of maps from the adventure and want a deep discount? Than check out the Bundled Map Set and grab them all for only $15!
Reavers of Harkenwold; Poster Side 2 (Digital Gridded & Ungridded Versions) $2