This hi-res battle map is one of a set of 9 that I created for the D&D adventure The Temple Between, written by Ari Marmell
and appearing in issue #161 of Dungeon Magazine. As the 6th episode in the Scales of War adventure path series it's an ideal storyline for 9th level players. After saving Elsir Vale from disaster, your PCs triumphal return to the town of Overlook may not be quite what they expected...
In one simple download you get both the labeled DM and unlabeled player versions of the map as well as a flame-free option useful for inclusion in just about any adventure. Sized at 2100 x 900 pixels, it's perfect for home printing or screen display. Purchase it now to help run the adventure or use it on its own in another campaign to spice up your next game night.
This gridded battle map has been optimized for immediate printing at a 1 inch per grid square scale, just make sure to print the map at its native resolution rather than 300 DPI. If you want to print the map on a single page for a quick DM's reference then printing at 300 DPI will shrink it down to fit.
Dungeon #161 - The Temple Between: SoW 06; Death from Above (DM & Player Versions)