Beneath the streets of Waterdeep, below Skullport and Downshadow, Halaster's sprawling dungeon awaits. Created for the 4th edition D&D adventure Halls of Undermountain, written by Matt Sernett and Shawn Merwin, this massive poster map is just waiting for the right adventuring party to sink its teeth into. Enter if you dare!
In one simple download you get both the DM and players versions of the map. Sized at a whopping 8459 x 12000 pixels, it's perfect for home printing or screen display. Purchase the map today for use with the original game supplement or import the artwork into your own home brew campaign.
P.S. For a quick and easy tutorial on resizing digital battle maps for printing and use with miniatures, make sure to visit Schley's Tutorials.
The Halls of Undermountain (Digital DM & Player's Versions) $2