This regional map of the Ten Towns was originally created as part of the D&D Encounters adventure Legacy of the Crystal Shard. Join the inhabitants of the North in their struggle against the sinister influence of Crenshinibon, the Crystal Shard. Icewind Dale and the Ten Towns hang in the balance. Will your heroes be up to the task?
In a single download you get both the DM and player versions of the map. Sized at 9117 x 3600 pixels, this detailed regional map is perfect for home printing or screen display. Purchase the artwork today for use with the original game supplement or import the artwork into your own home brew campaign.
Bonus: Need the whole collection of maps from the adventure and want a deep discount? Than check out the Bundled Map Set and grab them all for only $15!
Legacy of the Crystal Shard; Ten Towns Regional Map - 4E (Digital) $2